Preferences of hotel users with regard to product and service
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hotels in Poland
national accommodation base
modern tendencies in hotel design

How to Cite

JabłońskaJ., & KopczykD. (2015). Preferences of hotel users with regard to product and service. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 27(2-3), 123-132.


Due to a close link between a proper functioning of hotels with changes in the economy, it is important to study preferences of accommodation facilities users as regards needed services and offer. This information should be used not only by managers and marketers but in particular by architects who should design buildings for the next decades. This article presents a survey on hotel users preferences on the product and services, as well as its results. The scope of the study included: location of accommodation facilities, their standard aesthetic (architectural) preferences of users, the spatial and functional arrangement. In conclusion, some very clear trends were outlined, which will be visible in the hotel industry during upcoming years in Poland. Also selected problem areas in which there is a need of increasing public knowledge were stressed.
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