Prerequisites for acquiring the right to unemployment allowance pursuant to the amendment of the Act on the promotion of employment and labour market institutions
Okładka tom 27
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labour market
unemployment allowance
act on the promotion of employment and labour market institutions

How to Cite

PrzeklasaD. (2015). Prerequisites for acquiring the right to unemployment allowance pursuant to the amendment of the Act on the promotion of employment and labour market institutions. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 27(2-3), 13-25.


Labour market issues have been of constant interest to various study disciplines and trends. While analysing and discussing the phenomenon of unemployment in Poland the instrument of the country’s social policy may not be omitted since its purpose is the mitigation of the effects of unemployment – the unemployment allowance. This financial support system has

specific targets: to provide income to the unemployed persons who on one hand have lost their source of income and on the other to stimulate job seeking and keeping employment. The aim of the present paper is to draw attention to the key issues of the amendment of the Act on the promotion of employment and labour market institutions concerning unemployment allowance.

These changes have been demonstrated by a detailed analysis of the provisions of recent substantive administrative law. Individual points of this paper discuss the statutory prerequisites for having the status of an unemployed person, regulations of acquiring a right to the unemployment allowance as well as its collection amount and period. More recent and detailed studies

of this topic are not easy to find in the literature, therefore, this paper will be an attempt to supplement the gap in this field allowing to learn the current legal regulations including this crucial matter for people who often lose their job from day to day, their source of income and social standing. This publication may have influence  on the change of social attitude towards a difficult and complex topic of unemployment which nowadays becomes a threat for every employee.
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