Globalization versus West Pomerania tourism economy 2014. Management aspects
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rural tourist economy

How to Cite

FeczkoJ. (2015). Globalization versus West Pomerania tourism economy 2014. Management aspects. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 26(1), 57-69.


West Pomerania, part of the Baltic Coastland, is an important area for Poland’s summer national tourism; a growth potential region, relatively neglected infrastructure with management drawbacks. The research purpose was determining West Pomerania (Poland 2014) inhabitants’—understood as human resource—attitudes towards regarding globalization and its impact on the region’s rural tourism economy. The research was conducted on a 247 representative group of West Pomerania inhabitants; sporadic exploratory qualitative research. The interviewers used questionnaires for research. Ordinal scales marked verbally and numerically were used for describing data. Study results showed Pomerania inhabitants recognizing the significance of globalization mostly focused on access to basic resources and finding employment; they didn’t specify knowledge-qualifications as leading elements in life. Having satisfied basic needs they didn’t always recognize the need for increasing competitiveness of inhabitants, region, enterprises. Improving state and self-government administration service, repairing the judiciary were considered most important. Suitability for passive resting was emphasized when assessing location attractiveness of rural tourism facilities. Necessary reconstructive innovations, creative ones more needed, associated with using a thesaurus of management methods in regional socio-economic policy, 2014‒2020 EU aid funds efficiency. Practicing the value theory and culture acceptance is relevant.
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