A concept for knowledge and corporate development management
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knowledge resources
knowledge management system

How to Cite

StabryłaA. (2015). A concept for knowledge and corporate development management. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 26(1), 169-178. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2015.01.169178


The paper proposes a general formula for developing a knowledge management system. Knowledge management focuses on the creation and use of intellectual resources as well as practical skills—a company’s intangible assets. These assets relate to various scientific areas and empirical applications, and they constitute a significant source of competitive advantage. Knowledge is a structured set of information—a universal or specialised collection of factual material—which is used in the processes of corporate functioning and development. Knowledge is the effect of the learning process; it may result from buy-sell transactions (intellectual property, inventions and copy rights), or it constitutes a field of management. The paper presents: the interpretations of the concepts of knowledge capital and knowledge management systems, a multi-aspect knowledge management system model, a concept for development based on restructuring and innovation, and the criteria for assessing corporate development. The above issues are part of the methodology of corporate development management. Its major objective is to stimulate scientific, technological, economic and organizational advancement.

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