Economic cycle and innovation activity in Malopolska industry system
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economic cycle

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ŚwiadekA. (2015). Economic cycle and innovation activity in Malopolska industry system. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 26(1), 191-199.


Industrial systems in countries with a large scale of technological gap are characterized by low level of competitiveness, manifested, among others, by the low sells of high-tech products in international trade. So we are looking for the factors determining the innovation activity of companies. In the theory the parallel discussion continues whether innovative activity has a cyclical or counter-cyclical nature. The aim of the study was to search for the trend, impact and opportunities of the various phases of the economic cycle on innovation activity of firms within the industrial system of Malopolska. The results which were achieved confirmed the presence of cyclic of innovative activity at the researched region. Based on the analysis performed on a group of 500 industrial companies using probit regression (probability theory), it can be stated that in the boom period innovative activity occurs much more frequently than in other phases of the business cycle—recession and stagnation. The economic situation is therefore an important factor for the decisions of innovative processes. Therefore, in the programming innovation policy in the Malopolska region economic cycle should also be taken into account. This will allow the acceleration of innovation processes in the studied region.
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