Catholics and Protestants: The analysis of differences in declared values as prospective determinants of economic growth
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economic development

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RamockaM. (2011). Catholics and Protestants: The analysis of differences in declared values as prospective determinants of economic growth. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 19(2), 117-130.


This paper analyses the values held by Protestants and Catholics residing in the countries of modern Europe. The objective was to find out whether there are significant differences in the values subscribed to by these two groups and whether there are any areas relevant to economic development. The study showed the existence of differences and the areas in which they are present have been classified into five major groups: the values associated with perception of problems in occupational life, life in the public area, life in the private area, and personal well-being, as well as values related to trust and religion. The further part of the paper analyses the values in each selected area by placing them in the context of their importance for economic development. The last part of the paper proposes a model of culture as either conducive to development or inhibiting it, the model based on the values characteristic of the representatives of both religions.


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