Historical hotel management in Poland on the example of the Historical Heritage Hotels Foundation (Heritage Hotels Poland)
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manor houses
non-profit organizations

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SalaK. (2018). Historical hotel management in Poland on the example of the Historical Heritage Hotels Foundation (Heritage Hotels Poland). The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 40(4), 37-48. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2018.04.3748


Accommodation base is one of the key elements of tourism development. The level of development, quality or diversity of its offer significantly determines the level of tourist services in a given country. Hospitality as a part of the accommodation base is not a homogeneous concept. There are many types of hotels on the tourist market: resort, business, city or spa type hotels. Among the many types of hotels operating on the market, it is worth mentioning historical hotels. These objects stand out, among others, location in historic places such as castles, palaces or courts and sublime offer. The aim of the article is to present the issue of management of historical hotels in Poland on the example of one of the most well-known organizations in this segment, i.e. the Historical Hotels of Poland (Heritage Hotels Poland). The publication was based on available book literature, statistical data, netographic data, as well as on the basis of information obtained from the members of the discussed organization. The article presents the roots of historical hotel industry in Poland and in the world. The development and evolution of historical hotels over the years has been discussed. The work also describes the most important historical hotel organizations in the world and in Poland. They were characterized and the most important goals of their activities were discussed. Particular attention in this publication is devoted to one of the youngest historical hotel organizations in Poland, the Historical Heritage Hotels Foundation (Heritage Hotels Poland). The publication discusses the circumstances of its establishment, and describes the system of values that are guided in its activities. The most important benefits resulting from membership in this organization were also presented. Also, it was not forgotten about describing its most important achievements or consolidation with another organization of historical hotels. The research method used in the article was literary criticism, telephone interview and analysis of existing data. The thesis to be put in the work is the assumption that the Historical Hotels of Poland (HHP) discussed here is an important element affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of hotel management in Poland.



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