Modern Methods of Production Management – Integrated Management System of ERP II Class
Okładka tom 11
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production management
management methods
computer support of production management
MRP/ERP class systems

How to Cite

KolbuszF., & PyrekR. (2008). Modern Methods of Production Management – Integrated Management System of ERP II Class. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 11(1), 11-24.


The article presents an integrated technological system of management retrospectively, in particular the computer system supporting planning and operating a production enterprise. Furthermore, it provides, among other things, identification, application, advantages and disadvantages of MRP / ERP class systems. The major part of the article is dedicated to a description of the most advanced integrated system of management which is ERP II system. The Polish market of information systems supporting production management was analysed as well.
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