Disaster insurance programs and systems in the world
Okładka tom 9
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How to Cite

BacM. (2006). Disaster insurance programs and systems in the world. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 9(1), 91-109. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2006.01.91109


This paper deals with the subject of disaster risk management (above all natural disaster risks) in the world, focusing on the insurance covering the results of catastrophes. This type of insurance is named in the article as catastrophic/disaster insurance. The paper presents the insurance issues both in a theoretical aspect, which is the introduction to catastrophic insurance, its programs and systems, and in a practical aspect giving examples of some of the world system solutions. The selected solutions of the problem of the compensation for catastrophic loss presented in one part of the paper come from the following countries: France, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, the USA, etc. They show insurance practices used not only by insurance agencies and reassurance companies, but also by the country governments and the selected public sector institutions cooperating within the created system or program of natural disaster insurance. The issues discussed in this paper are the subject of the author's research and dissertation, from which come some of the paper points.


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