Compound chaotic time series
Okładka tom 9
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deterministic chaos
compound chaotic time series
phase diagram

How to Cite

WoloszynJ., & WoloszynP. (2006). Compound chaotic time series. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 9(1), 231-241.


In deterministic systems with non-linear relations there are chaotic courses observed. Simple non-linear mapping, like logistical or square mapping, generate chaotic time series in the iterative way. The paper presents a method of properties research of compound chaotic time series, which are created as a result of some operations, performed on couples or greater number of corresponding elements of component series. Making and analyzing the phase diagrams, which reveal properties not observed directly on timing diagrams of consider series, is a convenient method of research of properties of created time series.
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