Land factors of the A4 motorway of the Kraków-Tarnów section
Okładka tom 13 cz. 3
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road investments
winning land for road investments
A4 motorway of the Kraków–Tarnów section

How to Cite

GolaS., & LangnerR. (1). Land factors of the A4 motorway of the Kraków-Tarnów section. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 13(2), 35-65.


The subject of this paper is to introduce the problems related to the process of preparation road investments to their realization (the A4 motorway). Particular attention is paid to the procedure referring to preparation of geodetic documentation also formal and legal papers in the context of the way of winning the land for the use of State Treasury, indispensable for planned road lanes.
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