The impact of the tourism product on the consumers market behaviour
Okładka tom 26
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consumer behavior
tourist product
tourist attractions
tourist infrastructure

How to Cite

RudnickiL. (2015). The impact of the tourism product on the consumers market behaviour. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 26(1), 121-128.


Considering the consumers and their needs is definitely placed in the basis of marketing orientation. An entrepreneur who wants to succeed in the market must meet the needs of consumers and understand their essence. He or she must also accordingly adapt their product offerings to meet the needs and expectations of consumers. The long-term success of the company depends on the level of consumer satisfaction with the purchased product. The article discusses a tourism product together with its nature and components. It shows the impact of the tourism product individual components on consumer behaviour. The article also discusses a travel package and its types occurring on the tourist market. The author also pointed out the importance of branding while shaping tourist’s behaviour. Attention was also paid to the relationships between the products offered and the needs of tourists as well as the necessity of tourism products adaptation to the expectations of different consumer groups.
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