Determinants of the innovation capacity of enterprises Malopolska region
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innovativeness of enterprises
innovation potential
the ability of innovative companies

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KoziolL., WojtowiczA., & PyrekR. (2014). Determinants of the innovation capacity of enterprises Malopolska region. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 113-122.


The aim of this article is to present the concept of analysis aimed at evaluating the ability of innovative companies. The starting point for the estimation of the innovative potential of the surveyed companies, while the reference is a system of innovative enterprises. The basic problem that is described in this paper is the identification of the determinants of innovation potential and assess their effectiveness as a condition for the development of innovative activities and promote innovation also to formulate innovation capacity model of enterprises. Outlined in research required to develop the concept of diagnostic analysis aimed at evaluating the potential and innovative capacity of the company. An important research tool is the analysis of the relationship between the resources and the capacity, which shows the relationship of cause – effect relationship between these categories. The empirical part of the article presents the results of research on the assessment of the degree of innovation of enterprises Malopolska region. The research included 316 companies. It has been found that it is primarily the knowledge and skills of employees of companies, organization of work and cooperation between the actors of the industry, is the degree of innovation of the company. The main source of innovation enterprises is so knowledge workers and knowledge acquired from outside, from other organizations.
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