The effects of innovation activity of industrial enterprises in the high-tech sector in Poland
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innovation activity
innovation effects

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DzikowskiP. (2014). The effects of innovation activity of industrial enterprises in the high-tech sector in Poland. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 85-94.


This paper presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the nature of the relationship between the type of innovation activity and innovation effects in the high technology industry sector in Poland between 2008‒2013. It is assumed that the importance of the innovation effect is proportional to the number and scope of innovation activity. The scope of the survey relates to innovation in industrial enterprises representing the high-tech sector. It is characterized by innovation at the firm level and concerns the diffusion “new for the company” level. Innovation activity includes (1) expenditure on research and development and investments in fixed assets not used so far such as: a) buildings, premises and land; b) machinery and equipment, c) computer software; (2) implementation of new products and technological processes; (3) innovation cooperation. There are the following innovation effects: higher production flexibility, higher production capacity, lower unit labor cost, higher stock, lower unit material and energy consumption, lower environmental damage. The survey covers 374 HT companies. The methodological part of the analysis includes a logit modeling through which one can specify the probability of success of the innovation effect.
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