Innovativeness and its impact on the competitiveness of the hidden champions of the Polish economy
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hidden champions of Polish economy

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ZastempowskiM. (2014). Innovativeness and its impact on the competitiveness of the hidden champions of the Polish economy. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 233-240.


The processes which are taking place in the modern economy show that in addition to a strong position played in it by large multinational corporations, it is also important not to seek publicity in the media and overshadowed by a group of companies—determined in accordance with the concept of H. Simon, as “hidden champions”. Taking as a starting point, the H. Simons definition of the hidden champions of modern economy, we formulated the definition of a Hidden Champions of the Polish economy: dealing with first, second or third place in the European market and the leader on the Polish market; reaching revenues of less than 3 billion euro; and low current in the minds of the public (anonymous). Empirical research, which fragment is here presented were conducted in 2010 as part of a research project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “Intangible values as a hidden source of competitive advantage of hidden champions of the Polish economy”, implemented in University of Nicolas Copernicus. This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted among hidden champions of the Polish economy, under the innovative activity and its influence on their competitiveness.
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