Investments in intangible assets and the level of technological innovation of industrial listed companies
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intangible assets
listed companies

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ComporekM. (2014). Investments in intangible assets and the level of technological innovation of industrial listed companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 24(1), 59-69.


An innovation can be considered as a qualitative change in the field of production technology, work organization, management, marketing etc., which contribute to the modernization of the existing or introducing a new product or new service on the market. Innovative activities are complementary to sectors of the economy with a high degree of technological advancement and are associated with spending significant funds to: purchase of knowledge from external sources, purchase of software, conducting research and development, etc. The main objective of the study is to verify the research hypothesis, which claims that the expenditure incurred by industrial companies for the purchase of intangible assets differentiate due to the level of the technique used. For research has been used classification of industries in terms of the degree of technological innovation, which has been developed by Eurostat in the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Union NACE. Empirical research was carried out among industrial companies quoted on the Stock Exchange in Warsaw in 2005‒2012.
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