Reporter’s journeys. An attempt of description and classification
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MekaK. (2013). Reporter’s journeys. An attempt of description and classification. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 22(1), 71-85.


The aim of the paper is to describe the journeys undertaken by reporters and writers (in relation to the work they undertake) and to indicate the criteria for distinguishing this type of journeys from tourism. The main goal of the reporter’s journeys is preparation and publication of the reportage ‒ a text describing visited places, their history and sociopolitical situation related to Podróże reporterskie. Próba opisu i klasyfikacji 85 these places, the lives of individuals and societies or the journey itself. The readiness to write and later publish the reportage is the main condition of the reporter’s journey. The participants of such journeys are both journalists working in journals (press agencies, daily newspapers) and freelancers who prepare reportages, e.g. for publishers. As reporter’s journey is closely connected with occupation, as it requires special preparation before the departure and effort during the travel. The reporter’s journey serves for realization of the professional aim. Travelling is a fundamental part of the reporter’s profession and departure is an essential to perform the job. Places of residence become workplaces, and the primary aim is the professional activity. A reporter’s journey is not just “a voluntary change of residence”, as it is a must. The range of reporter’s decisions about the journey is also limited – he or she is subordinate to the supervisors and their orders and it is them who decide on the date of return. Each participant of such a travel is required to perform a specific task: to gather material for the production of a publication. This is the reporter’s responsibility. A reporter’s journey is utilised, as it brings a durable effect in the form of reportage. The effects of such a travel satisfy the needs of other people. All these features of reporter’s journeys do not allow for treating them as tourism.
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