Reading as an important component of every student’s professional and scientific works hop
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psychophysical process of reading
scientific cognition
pedagogical explosion

How to Cite

KaliszewskaM. (2011). Reading as an important component of every student’s professional and scientific works hop. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 18(1), 153-160.


The purpose of this article is to introduce the readers to the reading process as a multifaceted problem, which is the psycho-physical, intellectual, and cultural process. The process of reading can be so construed as psychophysical activity, influencing by the training on its speed, which on one hand allows to explore a larger number of texts, and on the other hand deprives the reader the pleasures of the text and provides the risk of anxiety or even depression. Reading can also be treated as an intellectual activity carried out in accordance with accepted procedures of exploring the text, as the purpose of its fair study. Reading also can be understood as an intellectual event in the cultural field not subject to any procedures, but still insightful, emotional and personal, allowing to see the hidden contents, reading a variety of cultural messages, thanks to active attitude of the reader. The student’s reading workshop is not only a process of reading text but also the ability of its critical analysis and interpretation. Therefore reading with understanding, temperamental, innovative, critical as well as the creation of different varieties of reader’s attitudes towards the text should be one of the tasks of academic teaching.
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