Economic aspects of the education process
Okładka tom 18
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human capital
economic constant of potential growth
investing in human
basic salary

How to Cite

KoziołW. (2011). Economic aspects of the education process. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 18(1), 187-196.


The thesis presents the determinants of making rational decisions in education by people professionally active. In the first place a model of human capital, which enables the measurement of employee qualifications in monetary units has been presented. In particular the principles of measurement of the capital and human capital components have been discussed. Then a salary model, which allows to define basic salary as a derivative of values of individual human capital and 8% of constant economy have also been discussed. Next, the process of education as an investment in human capital, which efficiency and assessment of rationality may be carried out using traditional methods of the return rate analysis. Conducted reflections were illustrated by a practical example of the analysis of rationality when planning starting education in postgraduate studies. The constant economic, which amount is eight percent per annum, determines the expected rate of return from additional qualifications. In this way, it is possible to determine the equilibrium point. The entire discussion, which is the subject of the article, has been annotated with an appropriate summary of the article.
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