Modern functioning of teachers in early childhood education
Okładka tom 18
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early education

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Łucja Reczek-Zymróz Łucja R.-Z. (2011). Modern functioning of teachers in early childhood education. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 18(1), 127-139.


In the article, the analysis of the functioning of teacher in modern early education has been analysed. The desirable characteristics of teachers have been described in detail, the specifics of work of teachers of initial classes have been characterised; various forms of teaching and educational activities of teachers as well as their interaction with parents in the field of education, socio-moral education, health and care have been shown. The article contains a theoretical part, in which issues related to the functioning of teachers in modern school on the basis of literature and a part dedicated to practical recommendations directed at the teachers and parents of students in classes I-III (in a form of guidance) have been discussed. The purpose of the article was to present to parents, on the basis of many years of experience in working with children in early childhood education, the issues related to taking up compulsory schooling by children. The article also contains practical advice for teachers, which shall enable avoiding many errors in both educational impact and organisational performance. The text emphasises the importance of cooperation of both educational communities in the process of children's adaptation to the role of a student. The methods and forms of cooperation, which result in successful integration of students as well as educational and caring interactions have been pointed out. The awareness of teachers concerning the role in the lives of early school age children should set their actions to both educational and welfare actions, which in I-III grades have significant importance in relation to specifics of the stage of the child's development that starts education in first grade.
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