National and state education in the schools of the city of Tarnów and the Tarnów District in the period of Second Republic of Poland
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Tarnów District
national education
public schools

How to Cite

JuśkoE. (2011). National and state education in the schools of the city of Tarnów and the Tarnów District in the period of Second Republic of Poland. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 18(1), 47-59.


During the period of Second Republic of Poland, there was a high emphasis on the matter of education. Except creating the scholar system, elimination of the phenomena of il- literacy, the essential element was building the sense of national identity depreciated in a large measure by occupants and formation of the civic awareness. The national and state education was to serve these purposes. Its ideas were introduced in schools of all types in Poland. The na­tional education was also noticeable in the work of both schools of Tarnów and Tarnow District. The forms of implementation as well as the substantive content focused on the most important and glorious events in the history of Poland and people who participated in them. During the im- plementation, the actions concerning teaching children and young people of self-management, shaping the basics of patriotism, respect for the achievements of Polish culture, respect for their country and the Polish state were taken.
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