The basic methods, forms and teaching aids applied in the active recreation methodology
Okładka tom 14
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physical recreation
methodology of recreation
recreational didactic forms
didactic methods
didactic aids

How to Cite

CiucmanskiB., & Lucyna StanekL. S. (2009). The basic methods, forms and teaching aids applied in the active recreation methodology. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 14(3), 179-192.


The rationalism of activities in the field of people's free time should be based on clearly stated goals or practicing effective methods of their achievement. The essential ways of performing leisure activities include the methods of recreation which is a scientific system. A very important link in the activity of recreation is the person who both organizes and performs the activities. The effectiveness and attractiveness of the didactic activities depend on the level of the person's methodical knowledge or skillfully accepted ways of doing these activities. It is essential for the person to have a detailed knowledge of the didactic forms, methods and ways which are applied in process of the recreation activities. Thus, the content of the work is a description of the selected, essential components of the methods of physical.
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