Future manager’s competences in the view of human resources management challenges
Okładka tom 12
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human resources management
manager’s competences
management models

How to Cite

ĆwiertniakR. (2009). Future manager’s competences in the view of human resources management challenges. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 12(1), 35-47. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2009.01.3547


The study attempts to identify the skills which a strategic level employee should have when faced with new challenges of human resources management in an organisation. The study outlines current problems concerning employees’ motivation as well as deregulation of management methods. In order to inspire managers of the future with modern management models the article presents a model of building competences, based on StaffCoachTM as well as an example of an enterprise with an innovative method of staff management – the American company W.L. Gore.

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