Certification of goods in the harmonised area – CE mark
Okładka tom 10
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quality standards
certification of goods
EU directives

How to Cite

GajewskiA. (2007). Certification of goods in the harmonised area – CE mark. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 10(1), 41-50. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2007.01.4150


When Poland joined the European Union, our market became an element of the common European market – manufacturers launch their products onto the Union market, which is conditioned by the fulfillment of administrative requirements included in the directives of the new approach. Goods, which are subject to the directives, prior to being launched have to fulfil their requirements and bear CE marking. A product subject to a few directives has to fulfil the requirements of all of these directives.

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