Data Visualizer programme applied in analysis of chaotic series
Okładka tom 10
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chaotic time sequences
computer data analysis
computer data visualization

How to Cite

WoloszynP. (2007). Data Visualizer programme applied in analysis of chaotic series. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 10(1), 201-213.


The dynamics of chaotic systems is often examined with help of computer simulation methods. The results of computer experiments are analysed with methods offered by available computer programmes of common use or with especially built software. Data Visualizer programme was designed and implemented by the author in order to provide a comfortable tool to analyse and visualize data which constitute the observations of chaotic dynamic systems. The data in the form of chaotic time series, being implemented into Data Visualizer programme can be subject to edition and subsequently – displayed in separate windows in the form of time charts or phase images. All charts are subject to calibration in order to achieve a specific method of visualizing data. The programme also allows different presentation transformations, such as mapping features and pixellation of the chart. Phase image, built in presentation windows of Data Visualizer programme can be completed by displaying direction vectors which indicate the next point of the image on the phase plane. By means of Data Visualizer programme it is possible to visualize the time sequences being analysed in a simple way, using a group of varied graphic transformations. The analysis of chaotic qualities of time series, including the examination of their phase images can be applied into the classification of chaotic systems.
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