Selected methods of controlling costs and financing enterprises in project management
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Earned Value (EVT) method
Project Finance (PF) method
cost analysis
utilizing and repaying the loan

How to Cite

Adam StabryłaA. S. (2007). Selected methods of controlling costs and financing enterprises in project management. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 10(1), 9-21.


The aim of this article is to present the models of two methods of controlling costs and financing enterprises, including: Earned Value (EVT) method, Project Finance (PF) method. The methods are directed in the following way. EVT method is applied in current monitoring and analysis of project performance. These functions are referred to cost control and simultaneously – to establishing the course of executive works over time. An important role in EVT method is played by qualification techniques of project performance level which are used to settle a project, paying attention to the performance of the cost schedule as well as the level of enterprise advancement from the technical side. PF method is a concept of financing project in a specific way, that is based on financial surplus generated by the project itself, which means that financing the performance of enterprises (mainly big investment assignments) is based on a loan whose repayment source is financial surplus achieved directly from the project, while the loan is secured by the property generated as a consequence of performing the project.
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