Logistic concept of the customer service as a factor of forming the competitive advantage of a company
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logistic management
logistics concept of enterprise
customer service strategy
efficient consumer response (ECR)
competitive advantage

How to Cite

SzczepankiewiczW. (2001). Logistic concept of the customer service as a factor of forming the competitive advantage of a company. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 113-125. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2001.01.113125


The article stresses that in the situation of increasing competition companies are forced to look for the new ways of building their competitive advantages. The changes undergoing in the competitive environment (globalisation, complexity of products and services, customer-oriented activities) have resulted in increased interest in logistic concepts of integrated management as the element of strengthening the competitive position, and thus reaching the strategic goals of the company. The article points out that logistics has a decisive meaning for solving the discussed problems and achieving market success. At the beginning logistics occupied only a fragmentary portion of companies' activities to develop presently, by Channel Management, also called supply chain management, into the instrument coordinating the flows in an enterprise─from obtaining the raw materials to the final customer.

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