Marketing and ethical assessment of an enterprise on the example of the selected telecommunication company
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enterprise mission
corporate objectives
enterprise environment
marketing strategy
ethics of management
telecommunications services
business ethics

How to Cite

Małgorzata Roczniak-WitkowskaM. R.-W. (2001). Marketing and ethical assessment of an enterprise on the example of the selected telecommunication company. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (4), 127-141.


In the article the author handles a very important problem of the marketing and ethical assessment of an enterprise on the example of the selected telecommunication company, i.e. Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. The Company was privatised and established in the result of the division of the state owned enterprise Poczta Polska Telegraf i Telefon (Polish Mail, Cable and Telephone Company). The marketing and ethical analysis carried out on the example of this company defines the main positive and negative influences of the environment upon the company and the strong points, that can be used in developing the company strategy. The author stresses also that the principles of honest and sound competition should be based on ethical values applying to all people. This is not easy due to cultural, religious or mental differences. On the other hand, the learned dissertations not based on practical experiences bring the risk of creating abstract principles.
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