Choice of distribution channels (example of building construction sector)
Okładka tom 2
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marketing innovative products
product distribution
distribution channels
building materials
conference materials

How to Cite

Kiepura-CzubackaM. (1999). Choice of distribution channels (example of building construction sector). The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (2), 109-115.


Selection of distribution channels while lunching a new, innovative products is of ultimate importance and frequently decides on success of the whole venture. The paper presents a practical procedure of the distribution channels selection for an innovative product in building sector. It covers then the comparative analysis of two suggested versions of distribution channels: 1) Version one, safe, means the use of existing distribution channels, 2) Version two, expensive, means development of already existing network and creation of new, intermediary distribution channels at the same time.
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