Ergonomic analysis of the assembly workplace
Okładka tom 39
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ergonomic analysis
spatial shaping workplaces

How to Cite

KalinowskaP., Polak-SopińskaA., & MączewskaA. (2018). Ergonomic analysis of the assembly workplace . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 39(3), 67-83.


The article analyzes the workplace of the coil winding in ergonomic terms, and more precisely mainly in the adjustment of the workplace to the anthropometric needs of employees. In order to identify the inconveniences appearing on it, a number of studies were carried out. These research are based, among others, on direct observation and conversations with employees. The risk of musculoskeletal disorders has been assessed. They are resulted from the adopted position using the RULA method. The geometrical dimensions of the work station were also compared with anthropometric measurements of human. In the further part of the article solutions were proposed whose aim was to eliminate imperfections and inconveniences identified during the research at the workplace.
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