New products in strategies of distillery sector companies (example of "Polmos" Białystok)
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industrial marketing
distilling industry
product strategy
product brand
enterprise innovation
case study
conference materials

How to Cite

WnorowskiH. (1999). New products in strategies of distillery sector companies (example of "Polmos" Białystok). The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (2), 265-276.


The paper presents the characteristics of the alcohol industry segment in last six years basing on the example of "Polmos" Białystok. In the author's opinion in order to survive on the distillery industry market there are the following indispensable conditions: marketing research, a permanent promotion of new products, attractive packaging and ultimate quality. Innovation is considered to be one of the main elements to compete with Western companies. The paper thoroughly analyses the process and ways of developing of a new product as well as changes regarding the sales. The research shows motives of introduction of new product innovations that first of all come from competition on domestic market.
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