Organisational environment of marketing in Polish companies
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marketing concept of the company
enterprise organisation
conference materials

How to Cite

StrzyżewskaM. (1999). Organisational environment of marketing in Polish companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (2), 237-264.


The paper elaborates a very important problem connected with organisational environment of marketing in Polish companies. The fact of marketing divisions establishment connected with the implementation process of marketing orientation is underlined. The author notes a positive influence of marketing divisions on changes taking place in the firm, namely increase in the scope of market information gathering, their better circulation within the company and their use to shape the firm's behaviour on the market. The paper touches upon as well the problems of the lack of marketing divisions creation, which are caused among others by the lack of competencies in the field of marketing, the lack of financial resources, staff reluctance of the psychological nature. Tasks assigned to marketing divisions reveal a limited understanding of the subject resulting from the concentration of tasks on the advertisement and marketing research. Concluding, we should objectively state that there is a serious problem connected with integration of marketing functions and realisation of the general marketing strategy in the firm.
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