The price policy of trade companies and its conditions
Okładka tom 2
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selling price policy
administered prices
marketing management
commercial enterprises
conference materials

How to Cite

SzumilakJ. (1999). The price policy of trade companies and its conditions. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (2), 19-26.


The paper addresses a very important element of trade companies marketing, which is price policy. Examples of efficient use of a price as marketing instrument are given. The paper presents price links between a producer and trade and characteristics of price autonomy of trade companies in the situation when a final price is suggested, while fixing a final price "cost plus" or a price maximising trade benefits. All problems analysed prove that changes which took place and still are taking place in trade and the whole commodity turnover sphere modify a traditional notion of price policy in trade companies.
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