Behaviour of rural tourism services purchasers in Poland
Okładka tom 2
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tourism marketing
tourism services
services consumption
consumer behaviour
conference materials

How to Cite

StrzembickiL. (1999). Behaviour of rural tourism services purchasers in Poland. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (2), 223-235.


The paper presents selected results of the questionnaire survey made among the purchasers of rural tourism services in Poland, which is a new and dynamically developing segment of the tourist market. The objective of the survey was to find a set of features characterising basis groups of purchasers as well as identify a pattern of their consumption behaviour connected with holiday in the country. Features of survey responders were presented basing on the following ratios: age structure, professional activity, education, material status and specifics of households. In the frame of the analysis of the consumption behaviour most important motives of interest in holiday in the country were identified as well as basic sources of information on rest offers, means of realisation of holiday and perspectives of the second time stay in a particular tourist building.
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View in Google Scholar

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