Outplacement as a tool in the process of employment restructure
Okładka tom 13 cz. 2
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monitored layoffs

How to Cite

JanikP. (2009). Outplacement as a tool in the process of employment restructure. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 13(2), 389-400. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2009.02.389400


Job cuts have become a very difficult problem in each organization. It needs careful and responsible approach from the employer's side, towards the employees being made redundant. Making employees redundant influences badly the image of the company. Therefore, employers who care about a good image of their company, try to resolve this unpleasant layoff problem by providing a service called in English outplacement, which means providing each displaced employee with a thorough support to help them to find themselves in a new situation, both in professional and private life, to adjust to the requirements of a modern job market and to find a new job. The article also includes a case study - the presentation of a company, which provides outplacement services in real life through their own staff members and with the help of a consultancy company.


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