Stimulants and barriers to innovative activities and transfer of technology
Okładka tom 13 cz. 2
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transfer of technology

How to Cite

PanekR. (2009). Stimulants and barriers to innovative activities and transfer of technology. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 13(2), 43-60.


In the introduction to the article the author presented the issue of innovations of Polish enterprises, based on synthetic rate of innovation. Then, the influence of micro and the macro environment onto the innovative activities and transfer of technology have been presented. The next part shows conditions for achieving success and providing failure of the innovations as well as stimulants, which improve the transfer of technology from the research and development sector to enterprises. The following part of the article includes identification of barriers to the development of innovation. Last part of the article contains some proposals of how to remove the barriers, which are directed to businessmen, the B+R sector units as well as the state.
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