Boutique hotels as a new trend in hotel industry based on the example of the Lower Silesian Voivodship
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tourism infrastructure
boutique hotels
tourist traffic
Lower Silesian Voivodship

How to Cite

SalaK. (2018). Boutique hotels as a new trend in hotel industry based on the example of the Lower Silesian Voivodship . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 39(3), 115-127.


Accommodation base is one of the most important determinants of tourism development. Its quality has a significant impact on the level of tourist services in a given country. Hospitality is one of the most interesting segments forming the accommodation industry. Among the many types of hotels, boutique hotels are one of most noteworthy. The aim of the article is to present the situation of boutique hotels on the hotel market in the Lower Silesia Province. The publication is based on available book literature, statistical data as well as on the basis of net data. The article succinctly presents factors affecting the potential of tourism development in Lower Silesia. The work characterizes the infrastructure of the described region, with particular emphasis on hotel industry. It was compared with other regions in Poland. The most attention in the article has been devoted to a boutique hotel in the Lower Silesian Province. Boutique hotels have been defined and the characteristics of their customers has been made. The development of boutique hotels in the Lower Silesian Voivodship has been discussed. The boutique hotels in the Lower Silesian Voivodship have been categorized as four and five-star hotels. The most important boutique hotels in the discussed region have been described briefly and opinions about them have been given. The research method used in the article was the literary criticism, telephone interview and analysis of existing data as well as statistical data. The thesis, that should be put at work is the assumption, that boutique hotels are an attractive accommodation offer for demanding tourists. The results of the study positively verified the thesis. The conclusions drawn from the research clearly inform about the future of this type of hotel segment in the region.
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