The role of local government in the process of local development based on an example of Tarnów
Okładka tom 13 cz. 1
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investment attraction
strategy of development
local government

How to Cite

KwasnyJ. (2009). The role of local government in the process of local development based on an example of Tarnów. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 13(2), 151-168.


After twenty years of democratization process in Poland, and after ten years since the reform of local government has been enforced, establishing a new territorial division of the whole country, the experience of municipalities - the basic territorial units and participants of the local market, are a significant source of knowledge about local development policies and factors that determine this kind of development. The aim of this article is to present tools that the local authorities have in the programming of local development, proper practice in terms of office management, present strategic assumptions adopted in the relevant plans. Verification of the implementation process, with the example of Tarnów, will answer the questions, of their impact on the region and whether they will contribute to improvement of the inhabitants' economic situation and make Tarnów a sub-regional capital. The choice was not accidental; Tarnów has lost the status of the province capital and nowadays is looking for new ways of development. Additionally, accession to the European Union has given new opportunities to the local government, moreover, the authorities have made development policies the main target in management of the district.
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