Labour analysis as an instrument of human resources management
Okładka tom 3
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Human Resources Management (HRM)
personnel management
labour analysis
work organisation

How to Cite

Piechnik-KurdzielA. (2000). Labour analysis as an instrument of human resources management. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (3), 41-57.


The author perceives labour analysis as a basic instrument of the effective management of labour resources in an enterprise. The paper concentrates on the essence of this research method and its procedure including the kind and form of the collected information about work, its sources and people responsible for the analyses and selection of the method of carrying it. The article focuses also on the methods and techniques of labour analysis and its subject, which is a specific work position. In the final part of the article the author indicates the possibilities of using the results of the labour analysis in many areas of the human resources management in a company, including employess' recruitment and selection processes, work performance evaluation, reward system and staff development as well as the development of work conditions and relations.
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