Selection of managers in a company
Okładka tom 3
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managerial staff
management selection
managerial staff assessment
competitive selection of management
methods of selecting the executives

How to Cite

WalasM. (2000). Selection of managers in a company. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (3), 139-156.


The person at the manager's position is the one who activates other employees in a company. The effectiveness of his work decides about the success of the work of his subordinates. Increased requirements towards the managers are the result of the present level of the scientific, technical and socio-economic development. These demands relate mainly to the increase of work efficiency and work preciseness, the flexibility in reacting to new situations, good organisation of both own and of the subordinated employees' work. Considering the above, the problem of selecting the relevant managers, who would be able to face all the defaults of the Polish economy and law, is a crucial problem for an enterprise. Such managers should use all their abilities and management skills and, based on their professional experiences, lead the company to operate even more effectively. They ought to support the company's fast development with their rational and professional decisions. The purpose of the article is to present: the essence of a manager's work, requirements for a manager's positions, stages of the managers' selection process, techniques and methods applied in the process of selecting candidates for manager's positions.
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