Organisational climate and culture ̶ attempt at concepts classification
Okładka tom 3
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corporate culture
organizational climate
organisational behaviour
enterprise effectiveness

How to Cite

MikulaB. (2000). Organisational climate and culture ̶ attempt at concepts classification. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (3), 33-40.


One of the key elements characterising the effectiveness of human work is the organisational culture. The notion that bears almost the same importance from the perspective of the current operations of an enterprise, though very often neglected, is the organisational climate. This article attempts to classify the ways of understanding of the organisational climate and culture, indicating similarities, differences and the factors influencing them. A thesis has also been drawn up stating that achieving the pro-effective model of the organisational climate is the first step to develop a pro-effective model of the organisational culture.
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