The concept of the expert system in estimating production cost
Okładka tom 3
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production management
production costs
expert systems

How to Cite

MazurZ., & SalaD. (2000). The concept of the expert system in estimating production cost. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (3), 193-201.


In the modern market economy aimed at meeting customer needs, a special role is played by a fast and reliable answer to the offer inquiries. The methods used so far have been too time-consuming, because they require planning of the entire technological process, which is costly and involves a series of tedious and timely calculations. That is why it is necessary to develop such a method of evaluating production costs that would enable to provide a fast answer to the offer inquiry at minimal cost of its development. The paper presents the concept of the new method of production costs calculations using the expert system to determine the similarity of costs based on the similarity of technology applied.
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