The essence and types of organizational culture - review of the concept
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enterprise management
corporate culture
culture of enterprise
human in enterprises

How to Cite

WojtowiczA. (2004). The essence and types of organizational culture - review of the concept. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (5), 159-171.


Organizational culture is commonly identified with its easily noticed manifestations, however that depiction is oversimplified and it does not fully express the complexity of that phenomenon. As its essence is hidden in the interrelationships and in the relations between certain elements, these are types of organizational culture that have a great educational value. Besides, in management practices it is clearly noticed that a complexity of corporate organizations makes it difficult for senior management to manage the company effectively and efficiently. Understanding the organization's culture may make this process easier. The aim of this article is to familiarize the reader with the structure of the organizational culture by presenting some types of organizational cultures.
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