Description and evaluation of teaching performed by an academic teacher holding the position of a professor at university
Okładka tom 5
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teaching process in higher education
higher education
university teachers

How to Cite

Jankowska-PolanskaA. (2004). Description and evaluation of teaching performed by an academic teacher holding the position of a professor at university. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (5), 41-49.


Various prognoses of trends in people's demand in global economy of XXI century are exceptionally consistent only in one prediction - they prove that the most dynamic demand for different kind of educational services will develop. This phenomenon already appeared in Poland in the XX century. Polish society responded to a political system reform and economic reforms with educational boom. Universities find it difficult to face the challenge of economic boom. A lot of private universities have been founded, the number of students in the state universities has increased, but the number of university teachers remained the same. The tasks are more demanding and more responsible and one cannot ignore them. The paper presents rules, forms and results of teaching performed by an academic teacher holding the position of a professor at the Małopolska School of Economics in Tarnów. The paper raises some questions for a discussion of an improvement of teaching results at the university. Those questions are directed to the management of the school, its "owners" and teaching staff. The paper advances a hypothesis, that MWSE in Tarnów has a good chance and conditions to become an outstanding university as regards the level (quality) of the results. To implement these hypotheses an improvement of the university personnel management is needed. The management of the university personnel, a public institution is more complex and difficult than the management of a company, which products or services have their prices on the market. The paper presented here becomes a contribution to a theory of the management of a public sector institution. This branch of knowledge needs further development.
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