System of marketing information in a company
Okładka tom 5
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decision-making models
information system of enterprises
marketing information
information in decision making
marketing decision making
marketing information system

How to Cite

CisloM., & KoziolM. (2004). System of marketing information in a company. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (5), 21-32.


The article shows the essence and the meaning of information and the system of marketing information applied in the company activity and development. Some functions and elements of that system have been characterized here. Particularly a lot of attention has been directed towards the description of the data sources, subsystem of generating information and subsystem of sharing information. The article lists and shortly characterizes some decision making models and statistics tools, which make the marketing decision processes easier in a company. The value of a uniform equipment structure has been stressed in SIM functioning. Major barriers have been indicated in implementing the system, paying particular attention to the necessity of restructuring of the organization, creating new units (e.g. database, set of analysis and developments), showing the reluctance to changes and presenting the behaviour of employees in case of sharing their knowledge.
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