Effect of the Euro, the currency of European Union, on the necessity of adjusting Polish businesses to doing business in new conditions
Okładka tom 5
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common currency market
international currency
monetary integration
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

How to Cite

KluskaK. (2004). Effect of the Euro, the currency of European Union, on the necessity of adjusting Polish businesses to doing business in new conditions. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (5), 51-62. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2004.05.5162


The new euro, a single currency of the European Union, arrived on January 1, 2002. Seven new banknotes and eight coins replaced the currencies, which were so far in force in twelve member countries The paper describes basic legislation relating to the introduction of the euro and different stages of executing that undertaking. Visual characteristics of the euro banknotes and coins have been presented as well as the tables on the national cash changeover plans have been provided. Due to the economic contacts between Poland and the member countries of the European Union and Polish future membership in the EU, some necessary changes have been presented which concern the introduction of the new currency.


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