Ergodicity and the mixing property in the chaotic dynamics of computer systems
Okładka tom 7
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computing simulation
system dynamics modeling
chaos theory

How to Cite

Woloszyn P. (2005). Ergodicity and the mixing property in the chaotic dynamics of computer systems. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (7), 201-211.


Examination of the dynamics of broadly-defined computer systems that show the characteristics of a deterministic chaos requires an adjustment of the notions of ergodicity and mixing. The notions are well-defined in case of systems that range within the areas of non-zero status. The range of states of a computer system is naturally a finite set, which makes it necessary to look for differently defined dynamic characteristics that are prerequisites of chaos. The paper presents a concept of ergodicity that is construed to be a quantitative property of a computer-based dynamic system. It also discusses the problem of defining the property of mixing in the context of imminent periodicity of all the trajectories of the system.
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