Tax and fiscal barriers formed in tourism against the development of small and medium-sized companies
Okładka tom 7
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income tax
value added tax (VAT)
EC directives
small business

How to Cite

ZychE. (2005). Tax and fiscal barriers formed in tourism against the development of small and medium-sized companies. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (7), 221-233.


The article presents a discussion on the idea of small and medium-sized companies (SME) it also indicates their importance in the economic and social development, the same as their role in leveling off the tension on the labor market has been presented in the article. Particular attention has been paid to discussions on the development barriers of SME—especially tax and fiscal ones. In the final part of the article some legally binding tax regulations have been provided, which are exercised in tourism and which give an example of the complexities of tax laws and the ambiguities of tax regulations.
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