The process of implementing information and building information systems in the management of a non-profit organization. Case study
Okładka tom 7
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management information systems
medical facilities management
non-profit organisations
hospital service
case study

How to Cite

WojtowiczA. (2005). The process of implementing information and building information systems in the management of a non-profit organization. Case study. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (7), 169-179.


In the management of a modern organization Information Technology takes a special place, as to a large degree information circulation is possible and carried out just through its use. Taking advantage of Information Technology becomes a necessity forced by the environment of an organization―starting with a compulsory clearance performed partly electronically and finishing with the need of having e-mail addresses and web pages of a company being essential from the marketing point of view. Used information technologies, and related to them procedures as well as change processes do not depend on the fact that we deal with an economic or non-economic organization, a production company, a company providing services or a non-profit company. The aim of the article is to show the case study of a hospital, where the process of creating and implementing information technology has been described as an example, and creating an information system which supports the process of managing this institution.
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