Particularity of information and its role in company management
Okładka tom 7
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information for management Leeds
strategic management
information system of enterprises
economic information
enterprise management

How to Cite

PyrekR. (2005). Particularity of information and its role in company management. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (7), 141-156.


The aim of this article is to show how important the information is in a process of company management, how many activities are being performed which depend on a good and efficient functioning of a strategic information system. More and more frequently we encounter the statement that it is information, which is more valuable than the capital. Basic concepts, such as data, information, knowledge — have been defined in the first part of the article. Next, the role of information in a company has been presented, with a particular attention paid to the issue of strategic information. Obtaining the right information and the system of strategic information become indispensable for a company since such knowledge will allow for efficient management of a company.
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